When sending a message, it is always good practise to include an opt-out option for your recipients. The web portal offers two options for this, which must first be activated in the Account Settings section
Automatic Unsubscribe Settings
You can configure an automatic unsubscribe to accompany all of your messages by going to Settings then Account, click on the "edit" icon next to the Automatic Unsubscribe (Opt-out) option, and then clicking the toggle switch to "On":
Here you can specify:
1. The keywords you want to use for Opt-Out messages
2. The content of the automated opt-out message
3. The Unsubscribe link message
Once you have configured your messages, they will appear when you click on the button to add an Unsubscribe message to your message content.
1. Opt-out via Keyword (only works when sending from a number)
The opt-out via keyword works simply by using a word (e.g. "Stop") with which your message recipients can reply to your messages, to trigger an automatic un-subscription of their number from future messages.
To add this, you can simply click on "Add Unsubscribe" in the top right corner of the message content field, and select "Keyword Response":
This selection will automatically add the phrase "Reply Stop to opt out" to your message
When using the "Quick Message" function, this option still appears in the top right of the message content field:
2. Opt-out Link (recommended when sending from a registered alpha tag/business name)
Due to the fact that messages sent from a registered alpha tag are one-way, and recipients cannot reply to them, the opt-out via keyword will not work. This is when you would use the second option - opt out via a link.
By choosing this option, the web portal will automatically add a link to your messages as follows:
This will appear as a "nxt.to" link in the message itself:
When the recipient taps this link, they will be taken to a "mobile landing page" where they will be able to unsubscribe from your mailing list by tapping on the button at the foot of the page:
As previously, this feature is also available in the Quick Message function.
For more information about opt-out regulation and compliance, read this article