The features below are included in the August product update, deployed on 6 August, 2020.
Cost Estimate on each Broadcast
When sending a new message, you will now see a cost estimate in credits for the entire broadcast in the footer at the bottom of the page (this applies to both pre-paid and post-paid customers). This is help pre-paid customers ensure they have enough credit in their account to send, and will allow post-paid customers to track their spending more closely
In addition to this, the character counter has been simplified to show only the total number of characters, and refers to how many SMS units will be used per contact. When you go over 1 SMS the text bolds to serve as a subtle reminder that you might be incurring additional cost.
Automatic Column Matching when importing data files
When a user imports a file, the system will try to automatically map all columns (mobile, first name, last name, email, etc.) to make it quicker for users to import files, with one less step to worry about when setting up a bulk send.
The system will also automatically detect data that looks like a phone number and will default that column as the mobile number in the mapping:
Addition of Account Name in reporting exports
Exporting Detailed Reports will now include the Account Name as a column in the exported report. This allows you to leverage account naming conventions in any further manipulations you wish to perform with the exported data:
Sender ID search
You can now search for dedicated numbers in the your account from the Sender ID page: